What you'll get:
I connected with @garden_marcus from Choice Forward... Recently he began offering classes that equate to 'on demand' therapy (for me, anyhow) and the difference in mindset cannot be overstated. My productivity is no longer so affected by my mental state, and the flamethrower of defensiveness slowly turns to self acceptance and confidence. There's really no telling what the 'light bulb' moment will be, but I'm very thankful to have found mine.
Amy Holman
This class helps an understanding of how to stay true to a higher more peaceful vibe and let go of the chatter that tries to sicken your positive vibe. Thank you once again Marcus for an informative course. (How to Vibe, module 4)
Lisa Pesch
Thank you again for a simple yet extremely effective guide to gaining freedom from mindsets that create toxic mental health and depressed well-being. (Emotional Well-Being & Mental Health, module 1)